User & Group Management : Creating & Managing User Accounts in Linux (2023)

User and group management is an important aspect of system administration in Linux. In this blog we will cover the basics of creating and managing user accounts in Linux.

Creating a New User Account

To create a new user account, you need to have root privileges. Once you have those privileges, follow these steps,

  • Open a terminal and log in as root.
  • Use the useradd command followed by the username you want to create, like so,

useradd example_user

  • Set a password for the new user by using the passwd command,

passwd example_user

  • Follow the prompts to set a secure password.

Managing User Accounts

Once you have created a user account, you can manage it in a variety of ways. Here are a few common tasks,

Changing a User’s Password

Use the passwd command followed by the username to change a user’s password,

passwd example_user

Deleting a User Account

Use the userdel command followed by the username to delete a user’s account,

userdel example_user

Modifying a User’s Account

Use the usermod command followed by the username to modify a user’s account. Here are a few common modifications,

Change a user’s username –> usermod -l new_username old_username
Add a user to a group –> usermod -aG groupname username
Remove a user from a group –> gpasswd -d username groupname

Creating and Managing Groups

Groups are used to organize users with similar access permissions. To create a group, follow these steps,

  • Open the terminal and login as a root.
  • Use the groupadd command followed by the group name to create a new group,

groupadd example_group

  • Add users to the new group using the usermod command,

usermod -aG example_group example_user

  • Verify the user’s group membership using the groups command,

groups example_user

Managing Groups

Once you have created a group, you can manage it in a variety of ways. Here are a few common tasks,

Deleting a Group

User the groupdel command followed by the group name to delete a group,

groupdel example_group

Modifying a Group

Use the gpasswd command followed by by the group name to modify a group. Here are a few common modifications,

Adding a user to a group –> gpasswd -a username groupname

Removing a user from a group –> gpasswd -d username groupname

Changing a group’s password –> gpasswd groupname



User and group management in Linux allows you to provide secure access to the system resources. You can create user accounts with specific permissions, and groups with varying levels of access to files and directories. This helps to protect your system from unauthorized access and data breaches.

Resource Management

By creating user accounts and groups, you can manage system resources more effectively. You can allocate specific resources to users or groups and limit their access to prevent resources misuse.


User and group management allows for customization of the system according to user needs. Different users can have different privileges, and groups can be tailored to fit specific project or departments.


User and group management makes it easier to track user activities on the system. You can monitor user access and actions, which helps to ensure accountability and compliance with organizational policies.



User and group management can be complex, especially in large organizations with multiple departments and projects. This complexity can make it challenging to manage user accounts and groups effectively.

Security Risks

Creating and managing user accounts in Linux can also pose security risks if not done properly. If user accounts are not properly configured with the right permissions and restrictions, they can be vulnerable to security threats like hacking and malware attacks.

User Errors

Mistakes made by users during the process of creating and managing user accounts can lead to issues like accidental deletion of user accounts or incorrect permissions assigned to users.

Maintenance Overhead

As the number of user accounts grows, the maintenance overhead can become a burden. For example, ensuring all users have proper access to files and directories, monitoring user activity for security purposes, and updating user account information can require significant time and effort.


User and group management is an essential aspect of system administration in Linux. By creating and managing user accounts and groups, you can control access to system resources and maintain the security of your system.


How Can You List All the Users on a Linux System?

Ans : You can use the “cut” command to list the all the users on a Linux system. The basic syntax for this command is as follows,

cut -d: -f1 /ect/passwd

How Can You List the Groups on a Linux System?

Ans : You can use the “cut” command to list the groups on a Linux system. The basic syntax for this command is as follows,

cut -d: -f1 /ect/group

How Can You Lock a User’s Account in Linux?

Ans : You can use the “usermod” command to lock a user’s account in Linux. The basic syntax for this command is as follows,

usermod -L username

For example, to lock the “jack” user account, you would run the following command,

sudo usermod -L jack

How Can You Unlock a User’s Account in Linux?

Ans : You can use a “usermod” command to unlock a user’s account in Linux. The basic syntax for this command is as follows,

usermod -U username

For example, to unlock the “jack” user account you would run the following command,

sudo usermod -U jack

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